Let's Talk: Faith & Justice

episode artwork

Elizabeth Grady-Harper & Ivy Long

24 January 2024

35m 54s

"The answer is always in the room when we have a spirit of love and collaboration!"



Tune in to this special podcast episode with Reverend June Cooper, who currently serves as the Theologian in the City at Old South Church in Copley Square, and is one of the founding members of Faith Leaders for Housing Justice (FL4HJ) which is a new collaborative partner of the Boston Faith & Justice Network. Rev. Cooper was formerly the Director of City Mission Boston, the second oldest not-for-profit organization in the county and was the first Executive Director of Boston Healthy Start a multi-million-dollar federal initiative that was credited with reducing Boston’s infant mortality rate in the 90’s. Rev. Cooper has a wonderful story of decades of ministry in the Boston area, serving vulnerable communities, and leading churches to a place of active compassion. This is an episode you do not want to miss!