Let's Talk: Faith & Justice

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Elizabeth Grady-Harper & Ivy Long

25 September 2024

39m 22s

Stepping Out In Faith: A Conversation with Our Friend Vicky



Tune into this episode with our friend Vicky, who joined us for the Following Jesus in a Warming World book club in the fall of 2023! In this encouraging conversation Vicky talks about her faith journey, what brought her to our book group and how she adapted the materials another book group member provided in addition to what she learned with us to create her own Green Lent curriculum. Vicky stepped out in faith to run her own group and the Lord really blessed her and those she ministered to. Additionally, Elizabeth and Vicky talk about how to cultivate a love and appreciation for nature in us and our children. Be sure to catch the list of children’s books she shared in connection to that love!